jueves, 24 de noviembre de 2016



Then the practice with differents link, my self-assessment  or  self percepcion about knowledge  in English, I can say generally is averange. My principal difficult  this in listening,  in all honesty, i dont like the voice,  is very fast for me in sometimes, and not reach understaning the good way ,  I am lost;  i think ... what were you saying?,  I can`t follow the conversation.
On the other hand  my better puntation is in vocabulary and read, i rather read and listening, in this areas iI belive be more succesfull. I like read  and I think that read help me in vocabulary .
Finally  I believe that, I need to work more in listening, if cant  listen to music or see more films in english of course....  I must practice hard work to the examen .

jueves, 17 de noviembre de 2016

In my carerra, we must read many many book!, every week we have texts that to read, some books are fomes or tangled, but there are very good some of them. Nowadays I am reading Maturana " the tree of the knowledge " is your book most famous. Only i must to read two chapters but it was so facinante that  beging to reading it I complete, it is a classic text, I like because it invites you to look at the biological one from a look  more systemic. 
 Maturana proposes that the alive beings we are autopoieticos, this wants to say that we are beings that it autotakes place and that our structure determines our perception, for example Maturana say: 
"We do not live through the colors live in our own chromatic spectrum"
 i believe that is fascinate!.

Autopoiesis not is the only concept that created, also oncerns concepts like 
cognition,languaging, zero time cybernetics and structural determined systems. Personally i like the perpectivesystemic. 

 He was studyng in University of Chile,  he studying first medicine then biology. 
In 1954, he obtained a scholarship from the Rockefeller Foundation to study anatomy and neurophysiology at University College London. He obtained a PhD in biology from Harvard University in 1958. Is a persons important a level worldwide!!.
But he not working only, Francisco Varela your faithful partner. 
Francisco Varela  is disciple the Maturana, but they working together and i believe that doing good pair, although  sometime they have different opinions but  they follow working to increase and democratize the knowledge. 

jueves, 10 de noviembre de 2016

my favourite artist

Today I am going to talk to you about my favourite artist, but i have more one, but i choose a my singer favourite is Edward Christopher Sheeran or Ed Sheeran. He is singer/songwriter, beatboxer, and guitarist, I believe he has a versatile character that allows him to easily relations with music. 
Born in Halifax, West Yorkshire, England in 1991, Sheeran released his first EP, The Orange Room, while still at school, and his first two albums, his self-titled debut and Want Some, by the age of 16. 

Well,  I cant say that  Ed Sheeran is eclectic blend of acoustic pop, folk, and hip-hop has been championed by everyone from the underground grime scene to American Oscar winners. 
Is more versatile!
Is my singer favourite because he compose a sing for you grandfather , "Afire Love " song about your grandfather was suffered Alzhaimer for twenty years , your grandfather died of the disease in December 2013 and he artist finished writing the song at his grandfather's funeral. Also had Sheeran  paid tribute at the Grammy Awards in which he wore a necktie belonging to his grandfather. 

"My father told me, son

It's not his fault he doesn't know your face

You're not the only one
Although my grandma used to say 
That he used to sing". 

(Extract of Afire Love)

Is my favourite piece,  I touch me because my grandmother also  suffer  this pathology, I cant see as your memory delete, is very sad but the music is good source for vent.  I believe that the Music is a resource or may the mean events sad and happy. 

jueves, 13 de octubre de 2016

My friends


I'd like to talk about to good friend of mines. But, i must say that since between to the University I have known wonderful persons that I would like to talk. My group of friends in the University was formed with was happening the time ; in the lunches, in classes and in works grupales.Nevertheless nowadays we have different classes and tastes, but us we met to have lunch together. We are a group of six persons; Pancho, Isaac, Seba, Hans, Tamy and Mila (I).

Well, I have spoken on my friends in the University but now he will i speak to about Cony, she is my best friend, but the things of the life we made ourselves friends late, she I enter to the institute where I was studying one year afterwards that I. to spend time and we do not speak many to ourselves until in average third party they sat us together, because  my schoolmates were untidy... Good, since then that we have cultivated our relation, she is very extrovert, nice and smiling. In the college we did many pranks, both we loved the pizza and also  the "chiches"  (small accessories).
After going out of the college, each one I reach his dream, she studies in the policemen's school of investigations (PDI), in spite of a little time that we have to meet, nonetheless we continue in contact for the social networks (whatsapps, Instagram, Facebook, etc). Nevertheless when we can get together we do what mas we like, as to eat, always we try to prove new things, to do our culinary tour .

jueves, 6 de octubre de 2016

Prezzie and your meaning

Today i will taken about a present and also the meaning that have for me, i love the present to be honest, but i will remember my birthday number fiveteen  my mom and dad give me a necklace is the heart is very beautiful, i really touched for the gif, i like the prezzie. The necklace  use usually in moment specially or moment formal and informal. I hope conserved always. Also, i think that other gif important for me, is the book, a friends of my mom in my birthday  number nineteen give me a the book about the friends, the titule is "The Kite Runner" (autor: Khaled Hosseini)  is very interting an difficult the read because is heavy in the parts, but is  very good and  is importan for me because learning the importance the  lace and comunication with we parents and other and  since then  i love the books. 

I must read many many books, every week we have texts that to read, for my carrer, some books are fomes or tangled, but there are very good some of them. Nowadays I am reading Maturana " the tree of the knowledge " only i must to read two chapters but it was so facinante that empeze to reading it I complete, it is a classic text, I like because it invites you to look at the biological one from a look mas systemic. Maturana proposes that the alive beings we are autopoieticos, this wants to say that we are beings that it autotakes place and that our structure determines our perception. We do not live through the colors live in our own chromatic spectrum. 

jueves, 29 de septiembre de 2016

I like to visit ....


Today  i will write about a place i would like to visit, to be honest, i like more places as;  England, France, Greece, Australian … and other… is very difficult choosing one place for me , but if i need to choose one place as my favourite i will  choose Italy, because i believe that have I believe that his material legacy since immaterial it is wonderful, and it enriches the culture as the monuments: Coliseum, Santander, Florencia, Venecia and other places wonderfull, also the culture, the language , legacy , art, music, movie´s( la vita é bella, the godfather , etc ). Also  for me is  interesting  place, because  understanding of mathematics and science occured  and new ideas. I think Italy is a pretty country that  i would like to visit , i hope can visit and  learning  more. My interest for Italy it started since she was a girl knowing about this country for the books ,movies, in the school when learning me Roma and your legancy,  I dont know much about it, but this is a main reason for travel to it.