jueves, 17 de noviembre de 2016

In my carerra, we must read many many book!, every week we have texts that to read, some books are fomes or tangled, but there are very good some of them. Nowadays I am reading Maturana " the tree of the knowledge " is your book most famous. Only i must to read two chapters but it was so facinante that  beging to reading it I complete, it is a classic text, I like because it invites you to look at the biological one from a look  more systemic. 
 Maturana proposes that the alive beings we are autopoieticos, this wants to say that we are beings that it autotakes place and that our structure determines our perception, for example Maturana say: 
"We do not live through the colors live in our own chromatic spectrum"
 i believe that is fascinate!.

Autopoiesis not is the only concept that created, also oncerns concepts like 
cognition,languaging, zero time cybernetics and structural determined systems. Personally i like the perpectivesystemic. 

 He was studyng in University of Chile,  he studying first medicine then biology. 
In 1954, he obtained a scholarship from the Rockefeller Foundation to study anatomy and neurophysiology at University College London. He obtained a PhD in biology from Harvard University in 1958. Is a persons important a level worldwide!!.
But he not working only, Francisco Varela your faithful partner. 
Francisco Varela  is disciple the Maturana, but they working together and i believe that doing good pair, although  sometime they have different opinions but  they follow working to increase and democratize the knowledge. 

4 comentarios:

  1. wow! maturana is a genius, I remember thah In Biology I heared about him for first time. He has contributed a lot in many disciplines

  2. I don't know much of the Maturana, but I know that is say that there are much form and different way of know, and this is some very interesting.

  3. He is the one that put in the game of the first block!!!
