martes, 12 de mayo de 2015

Blog Session 3: "My favourite piece of technology."


My favourite piece of technology, I believe that is my phone, although not be the last but your systems operative is android, when I can’t download images, music, plays, etc.

I use my Phone every day, what I have, ams…. I think ……I do not remember what.

The use when I study and also when I talking use whatsapp, because is very useful for all! I believe that is the best application, is very simple the use, to my mom use your phone without difficult.It is not difficult for her ,. And allows communicate with my family, friends, friends that living far of me.Also many people like their smart phone because possibility they give you music and photos, to take photos and this I love.

I love to take photos my pets, my family, the sunsets and other, is beautiful capture an image, and is my second application more use for me.
I don’t know that would not be life without phone, maybe we would look a face with more frequency.

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