miércoles, 5 de agosto de 2015

Blog session 6: Challenges in Education.

Blog session 6: Challenges in Education.

The student movements have received relevancy, especially in 2011, with the " Revolution Pinguina". Where the students they protested for the negligence’s  of the public policies that they were to the base of the education of our country.
According to the expert in Public Policies of the University Diego Portales, Claudia Sanhueza, even before this century the student movement already had very much weight in Chile;
" The students were the first ones in protesting against the dictatorship of Pinochet in the 80s " 
The revolution of 2011 is significant because not only pupils protested, but also university students, teachers and the families went out to the streets protesting the government for the education. The current student movement in Chile, regarding their demands in relation to the orientations and interests of the new middle class.

Actually the people claim for public education could be expressive of a legitimacy crisis corresponds to the expansion and differentiation of the new middle class (regarding the massification of students, professionals and intellectuals in general) in the context of the transformation of the social structure in Chile during the last thirty years. Also, the demand for public education is aligned with the exercise of reflexive control on the structural and symbolic basis of the reproduction of this group and. For last the critique of the institutionalization of distribution of power through education constitutes the platform to sustain, from part of this group, a potential alternative project of society.

I believe that even become a standard in education to country, be a process  very lengthy, because the challenges in education need reform , but not to harm the middle class than the reform that propused for the goverment actually.

  • http://voces.latercera.com/2015/01/20/claudia-sanhueza/gratuidad-en-educacion-superior/.
  • http://www.archivochile.com/carril_c/cc2012/cc2012-062.pdf.

sábado, 1 de agosto de 2015

Blog session 5: An expert on your field.

For this week's post I will talk about an expert on my field. But in order to talk about this, I need to tell you about my career. I study psychology, but diverse areas exist as; clinical, labor, juridical, community, educational, etc.
But the interesting for me is an educational psychology. In this area we find big authors who contribute to the discipline as; Albert Bandura, Jerome Bruner, Maria Montessori, Charles Spearman, Edward L. Thorndike, Lev Semiónovich Vygotsky & my favorite Jean Piaget.
Jean Piaget was born on August 9, 1896 in Geneva, was an epistemology, psychologist and Swiss biologist, creator of the genetic epistemology, it is famous for his contributions to the study of the infancy and for his theory constructivist of the development of the intelligence, which for me is surprising due to his findings.
In this this theory centred principally on the infancy and on the evolutionary mechanisms with biological perspectives, in addition it is admired for me, being a daring writer of more than 50 books and 500 articles. His principal works are:

  • ·         The birth of the intelligence in the child (1936)
  •           The formation of the symbol in the child (1996)
  •         The psychology of the intelligence (1947)
  •       Memory and intelligence (1968)
  •            Psychology and pedagogy (1969)

To conclude, I would like to share with you two of my favorite’s quotes by him

The infancy is the creative phase for excellence; I always wanted to be a child”.