viernes, 31 de julio de 2015

My future job

I really would be enchanted working in an area only dedicated to the children because. I think that we could change this society if we pay more attention on the educational tools that we give to our children.                                              
Especially is it’s in a rural place , because in this school more isolated from the big cities the conditions are more precarious besides all the children has the same need to be formed.
Taking another point of view.  I live in a rural place and I really don’t like to travel long distances to go to my work and if I stay in a rural place, I could work in terrain with this child. Because of that I think that my ideal job is on a rural school where they need an educational psychologist.
Also these kinds of children are more creative’s emphatics and imaginative I think that we can do projective tests together.
I believe that, It is with the children with whom we have the best opportunity to study the development of the logical knowledge, the mathematical knowledge, the physical knowledge, and so on…
Finally it will end with an appointment of Jean Piaget “The principal aim of the education is to create persons capable of making new things, and not simply repeat what other generations did”.